Your Customized Asset Management Solution

In the past, temporary corrosion protection, lay-up or mothballing was seldom needed. Today,the opposite is true. Production capacity may be at 80% one day, at 50% six months later and then at 90% in two years.
Although these capacity shifts can sometimes be anticipated, they are generally due to governmental or market events beyond a company's control.During these fluctuations, it generally makes good economic sense to place equipment in protective storage and then bring it back into services when it's needed.
The equipment to be placed in protective storage is expensive, complex and requires several procedural steps to safeguard this capital investment. The task is multiplied for storing a system, production line or entire plant.
To ensure the job is done properly involves a significant amount of research, because the protection must be effective, whether the length of storage is for 90 days or 5 years.
As a leader in the field of corrosion control for protective storage, Magna International encountered this massive informational problem when helping companies store entire systems, production lines and plants.
Magna helps you solve many of these difficulties. It provides systematic, documented procedures with detailed steps; procedures that are easily referenced and accessed by the name of each piece of equipment. These procedures have been used with major clients in each segment.
Although these capacity shifts can sometimes be anticipated, they are generally due to governmental or market events beyond a company's control.During these fluctuations, it generally makes good economic sense to place equipment in protective storage and then bring it back into services when it's needed.
The equipment to be placed in protective storage is expensive, complex and requires several procedural steps to safeguard this capital investment. The task is multiplied for storing a system, production line or entire plant.
To ensure the job is done properly involves a significant amount of research, because the protection must be effective, whether the length of storage is for 90 days or 5 years.
As a leader in the field of corrosion control for protective storage, Magna International encountered this massive informational problem when helping companies store entire systems, production lines and plants.
Magna helps you solve many of these difficulties. It provides systematic, documented procedures with detailed steps; procedures that are easily referenced and accessed by the name of each piece of equipment. These procedures have been used with major clients in each segment.
preservation solutions
Magna's Preservation Services Division offers a wide range of Preservation turnkey solutions & Anti-Corrosion Control for:
Aircraft Storage
Ammunitions Storage
Asset Protection
Cargo Protection
Condensation Prevention
Corrosion Control
Electrical/Electronic System Protection
Equipment Warehousing
Facility Mothballing
Online Equipment Protection
Inventory Preservation
Marine/Naval Mothballing
Marine Equipment Maintenance
Mold/Mildew Protection
Pre-Sale Equipment Warehousing
Spare Parts Storage
Vehicle Storage
Weapons Storage
Aircraft Storage
Ammunitions Storage
Asset Protection
Cargo Protection
Condensation Prevention
Corrosion Control
Electrical/Electronic System Protection
Equipment Warehousing
Facility Mothballing
Online Equipment Protection
Inventory Preservation
Marine/Naval Mothballing
Marine Equipment Maintenance
Mold/Mildew Protection
Pre-Sale Equipment Warehousing
Spare Parts Storage
Vehicle Storage
Weapons Storage